Wednesday, February 29, 2012

THREAT ISOLATION of political prisoners

        Mahmoud Issa                                                                               Sheikh Jamal Abu El Haija
Solitary confinement experiences ...
*Mahmoud Issa / 3 sentences on lifetime + 49 years and
*Sheikh Jamal Abu El Haija / 9 sentences on lifetime

At Ramleh, Mahmoud was held with Jamal Abu El Haija, in a cell measuring
3.5 x 3 meters, with very little ventilation and only one window measuring 80 x30 centimeters above the door and overlooking the corridor. The iron door had only one opening through which meals were delivered and again closed immediately afterwards. Mahmoud stayed isolated under these conditions 23 hours a day, and was allowed to leave his cell only for one hour to go to the 4.30 x 3.30 meter prison yard, half of which was covered by iron and four layers of barbed wired, steel bars, and iron rods. In the prison yard there were no recreation facilities for the inmates, and they remained handcuffed until they returned to their cell. Mahmoud did not meet other detainees there apart from Abu El Haija. Communication between cells was forbidden.

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