Tuesday, January 24, 2012

THREAT: Prisoner Raped

or "Captain George" and his freaking, dirty brothers !!!
Prisoner raped with iron bar

The Israeli Committee for Combating Torture appeals to the Supreme Court for obliging the Investigation Unite to apply an accusation against a police investigator tortured a Palestinian citizen with ugly methods.
The Committee had asked the Investigation Unit for questioning the torturing policeman, but the Unit refused the order in spite of showing clear evidence against him.
The Committee had published a statement in the Israeli newspaper “Haaretz”, at the end of 2007, manifesting that (M A), a Palestinian citizen, of Ayzaie town east to Jerusalem, was arrested and taken to the police station in the settlement of Male Kadoomem.
There, the policeman beat him savagely, did bee on him and raped him with an iron bar.
The Committee added that the prisoner was taken to the medic treatment, where it was assured that he was exposed to ugly rape.
The Committee documented the violation and the testimony of the prisoner and others’ ones.
A complaint had been filled against the policeman, who was known for his violent behavior, but he has not been brought to courts up till now, added the Committee.

January 19, 2012

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