Saturday, May 26, 2012

a very bitter taste of life... Dirar Abu Sisi

It is a very bitter taste of life, I for my part *am a queen soccer fan*
The whole world is now discussing about an oldfashioned, backwards oriented lady in the Ukraine committed itself human rights violations.
The brigades are on the same topic over, because Dirars threat is NOT his isolation but his upcoming court date. On court for nothing. Let him live in freedom finally, bring him back to Veronika and his 6 amazing kids, place of residence: Ukraine !!!
That would be really THE GOAL !!!
Veronika Abu Sisis Appeal on Dirar....
At 31 May will be held the hearing
Journalists are a puppet who has no control over the excessive violence that simply can lay siege to the service of those in power! With all my heart, I please you to come and not to watch silently as they, blatantly unfair, buried alive, to beg, to trample and kill us!
Do not be puppets! Fear God, not them ! Wake up !

written on April 30th, 2012

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

THREAT Jihad Yusuf Ismail An-Najjar

Jihad Yusuf Ismail An-Najjar, born in 1981 Hebron / West Bank was arrested at a barrier at the entrance of the town in 2001.
He was transferred immediately to the center of “Atsion”in the south of Bethlehem, and then transferred directly to the center of investigation in “Maskobiah”/ Jerusalem and was there subjected over 1,5 months to military interrogation and solitary confinement.
Jihad was severely tortured in order to force him to sign a confession prepared in advance, but he refused and denied all charges against him and remained steadfast.
After all he was transferred to Nafha Prison and more than 150 military court hearings were held by the occupation without judgement or to prove charges against him.
The public prosecutor said: “We do not have any other evidence than the security risk for the public community”.
On 24/3/2005, another military trial was held for Jihad three judges acquitted him of the sixteen charges brought against him, including participating in activities which belong to the Hamas Movement and murder of one Israeli soldier.
The military prosecution rejected the court's decision and appealed the decision of acquittal, asked to extend the detention period for extra 24 hours.
The deadline expired without providing new evidences. Another hearing was held in 2006 where Jihad was again announced as innocent.
His brother, Adnan, said that this decision was against the internal security system and the prosecution appealed for the second time to extend the detention of Jihad for a period of 72 hours to submit new information.

Life sentence
Military trials continued against Jihad until the date of 04/12/2007, when he was brought to the courtroom in Ofer military court.
Three new judges issued their decision  which acquitted Jihad of all charges against him except for the attempt to kill a soldier.
As result Jihad got one sentence on lifetime after the two judgements of acquittal.
Adnan said that his brothers lawyer objected to the courts decision and appealed against the life imprisonment. After more than two years, a hearing was held for the appeals court again in 2011.
Only one judge leaded the hearing to read in a few minutes the decision to reject the objection of the lawyer and confirming the sentence on lifetime.

His brother continued saying plaintively: “We do not want to stop here, we decided to go to the Supreme Court , we have not finished the era of military courts”
“We will do everything we can do for the release of my brother through all courts and the judiciary” Adnan added.
Jihad has joined his hunger striking brothers in their battle of Empty Stomachs.
The occupation perceives Jihad as one of those who are leading and urging for the hunger strike; and as a result, the prison administration transferred him more than once.
At the end of April last year the management of Asqelon Prison transferred Jihad to section 4 of Nafha; and in March 2012 he was transferred to Eichel.



Friday, May 11, 2012

THREAT Mahmoud S., 17 years old

Name: Mahmoud S.
Date of arrest: 20 March 2012
Age: 17
Location: Azzun village, West Bank
Accusation: Throwing stones and Molotov cocktails

On 20 March 2012, a 17-year-old boy from Azzun village, in the occupied West Bank, is arrested by Israeli soldiers near a road used by settlers.
At around 7:00 pm, on 20 March, 17-year-old Mahmoud was with two friends by a road near their village that is used by Israeli settlers. Two Israeli military jeeps stopped and soldiers got out and started chasing the boys. The soldiers caught Mahmoud who reports that he was beaten. “A soldier caught me and knocked me down,” says Mahmoud.  “Then, at least 12 soldiers started beating me hard while I was still on the ground. They kept slapping and kicking me. One of them hit me with his rifle. Then, one of them pulled me up hard, twisted my hands behind my back and tied them with three plastic cords […] the cords were very tight.” Once he was tied, Mahmoud says that the soldiers continued to beat him until his mouth and nose were bleeding. He was then blindfolded and placed in a military vehicle.

“Then, one of them pushed me violently inside the jeep and kept me lying on the metal floor. There were soldiers surrounding me inside the jeep. They kept kicking me and insulting me using very obscene words that I do not want to mention. They insulted my mother and my sister,” recalls Mahmoud, who was transferred to Ari’el settlment for questioning. 
Mahmoud estimates that he arrived at the settlement at around 11:00 pm. He was then made to sit in a corridor, still tied and blindfolded, for approximately one hour, during which time he reports being slapped and kicked by people passing by. At around midnight, Mahmoud was taken to a room for interrogation. Although interrogating children at night is prohibited under Israeli civilian law, the practice is not prohibited under military law which is applied to Palestinian children. Mahmoud’s blindfold was removed but he remained tied. Mahmoud says the interrogator shouted at him and slapped him across the face during the interrogation. He was accused of throwing stones and Molotov cocktails. The interrogation lasted until 7:00 am at which point Mahmoud confessed to throwing stones.
Following the interrogation, Mahmoud was transferred to the settlement of Qarne Shomron where he was given a brief medical check. Mahmoud says that he told the doctor that he had been beaten but he was not given any treatment. The doctor simply asked Mahmoud a number of questions from a list he was holding. Mahmoud was then transferred to Huwwara interrogation centre, near the city of Nablus. On arrival the soldiers wanted to strip search Mahmoud, who refused to strip, and was then beaten. Later that day he was transferred to Megiddo prison, inside Israel, in violation of the Fourth Geneva Convention which prohibits transfers out of occupied territory.
For further information see: DCI-Palestine – “Bound, Blindfolded and Convicted: Children held in military detention” and B’Tselem: “No Minor Matter: Violation of the Rights of Palestinian Minors Arrested by Israel on Suspicion of Stone-Throwing
20 March 2012

Friday, May 4, 2012



PETITION follow the LINK

Sample Letter:

Your Excellency,

I am writing to urge you to immediately suspend the administrative detention order of
Hassan Al Safadi
Ahmad Saqir
Bilal Diab
Thaer Halahleh
Mohannad Abdullah
Omar Abu Shalal
Mohammad Abu Arab
Fairs Al Natoor
Ayman Tbeesh
Jafar Izz-Eddin
Mohammed Suleiman
Mahmoud Sarsak
Mohammad Taj
Rami Issam Suleiman
Ahmed Abu Khader

As is the case with so many others there are very serious, well-founded concerns that the charges brought against the above mentioned were politically motivated.

Israeli administrative detention orders are the subject of review and further appeal by a military court, neither lawyers
nor detainees are permitted to see the “secret information” used as a basis for the detention orders.
This violates international human rights law, which permits some limited use of administrative detention in emergency situations, but requires that the authorities follow basic rules for detention, including a fair hearing at which the detainee can challenge the reasons for his or her detention.
1 These minimum rules of due process have been clearly violated in above mentioned cases, leaving them without any legitimate means to defend themselfs.

1 International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, Art. 9.
2 Fourth Geneva Convention, Art. 78.

In addition to contradicting international human rights and humanitarian law the administration detention of the above mentioned also violates article 5 (the right to liberty and security) of the European Convention on Human Rights.

It is in this context that I call on you to act and in accordance with international human rights treaties to which Israel is a signatory state, as well as the Israeli Constitution itself, is therefore obligated to undertake the following:

* . Immediately and unconditionally release
Hassan Al Safadi
Ahmad Saqir
Bilal Diab
Thaer Halahleh
Mohannad Abdullah
Omar Abu Shalal
Mohammad Abu Arab
Fairs Al Natoor
Ayman Tbeesh
Jafar Izz-Eddin
Mohammed Suleiman
Mahmoud Sarsak
Mohammad Taj
Rami Issam Suleiman
Ahmed Abu Khader


pending the conclusion of the review--and the dismissal of all charges if the convictions are found to be in violation of the above-mentioned international legal norms (the observance of which the Israel is treaty-bound to observe.)

* . Immediately put an end to its practice of administrative detention and arbitrary arrests;

* Immediately and thorough legal investigation into charges that the above mentioned were tortured, as well as investigations into other questions of legal irregularities surrounding this case--all carried out in strict accordance with established international norms of justice.

Please be assured that the international community is watching this case very closely.



Secretary General Ban Ki-moon
United Nations
New York, NY 10017 USA
212-963-5012 fax: 212-963-7055 FAX !!!

Permanent Mission of Israel to the United Nations Office and Specialized Institutions in Geneva
Avenue de la Paix 1-3
1202 Geneva
Fax: +41 22 716 05 55,
Email: mission-israel@geneva.mfa.

The Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR)
Civil Society Section Telephone: +41 22 917 9656
Mail: ramallah(at)
Tel: +972-2 295 97 40
Fax: +972-2 295 97 41

Menachem Mazuz
Attorney General
Fax: + 972 2 627 4481; + 972 2 628 5438; +972 2 530 3367
Brigadier General Avihai Mandelblit

Military Judge Advocate General
6 David Elazar Street
Hakirya, Tel Aviv, Israel
Fax: +972 3 608 0366, +972 3 569 4526

Mr. Benjamin Netanyahu Prime Minister Office of the Prime Minister 3, Kaplan Street, PO Box 187 Kiryat Ben-Gurion, Jerusalem, Israel Fax: +972- 2-651 2631 Email:

Write to Israeli Embassies and Consulates in your own country. A directory of Israeli embassies can be found on the website of the Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs at the following link:

Call the Israeli Embassy in Washington DC (1.202.364.5500) or call the office of Jeffrey Feltman, Assistant Secretary of State for Near East Affairs (1.202.647.7209)

A directory of members of the European Parliament can be found here: